finding the most complete solutions in all areas of operation is the key to any successful business. This is precisely what encourages continuous change that leads to development and progress. Our company also strives for this, which is why in the eleven years of its operation we have successfully completed many training and research and development projects, which include Operation Safe Cyber Space.
Following a public tender financed in part by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Slovenia in the framework of the Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, a number of measures have been implemented aimed at improving the competitiveness of the company and the possibility business expansion to foreign markets. In this context, we updated the electronic exchange between partners by upgrading the environment for sending and receiving e-invoices for international exchange, in line with the new European standard, upgrading the secure connection to support international exchange with companies and establishing a system for managing eDocuments.
Based on a comprehensive study of the digital appearance of the company, we have redesigned the website for foreign markets in German and English with updated content, including a video-sales video of our company with the presentation of the operation. One of the novelties is the introduction of an online store, which will adapt to the more complex needs of subscribers in the market and enable them to find solutions in our and foreign markets easier and faster.
However, as we try to get as close as possible to our customer`s needs and goals, we are pleased to be able to help our businesses grow faster and respond more quickly with our new tools and numerous trainings, while offering customers faster solutions, which is crucial for customer satisfaction and delivering good business results for the company.